Week 30 – 23rd July 2014 – No Pressure


A bit of a strange love song. Pretty tune. I played my boyfriend the chorus and he wryly said “No pressure, babe”. So no pressure become the verse.


No Pressure

No pressure but this thought has struck me
No pressure but I just had clarity
No pressure but I now see the deal
No pressure my love but love is suddenly real

I’ve left everyone I’ve ever known except you
I’ve left every room I’ve been in except this one with you
I’ve said goodbye to everybody, left behind everybody, except you
Now is it too much, is it too us, is it too you?
The price seems too high, for just you and I
All safety left behind

Don’t want to press you, do you feel it too?
Don’t want to depress you, do what you must do
Won’t think less of you if you can’t see it through
Will bless you, for this moment of me and you

You’ve left everyone you’ve ever known except me
You’ve left every room you’ve ever been in except this one with me
You’ve said goodbye to everybody, left behind everybody, except me
Now is it too much, is it too us, is it too you?
The price can be too high, that’s why we’re alive
I’m your safety, you’re mine

Can we ever understand now?
Can we ever really be in now?
Maybe love is love because it should help us illuminate now

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