Week 33 – Stalagmite – 15 August 2014


A song about love and loss.

[The room in the sky is not some kind of weird notion of heaven.  It was a real room in a real towerblock that was pulled down several years afterwards.  I often return to that idea of the room that used to exist, very real and very solid, where now there is just air, or sky, or cloud.  Or nothing]


The breath of your whisper in that room in the sky
Now just clouds that haunt my mind
The breath of your whisper prickles my neck
I long for it now, I long to forget
I long to live long, I long to die
I long to be with you in that room in the sky

The safety of memory is unsafe tonight
I should go to bed
I should live my life
I should talk to my friends
And not mention you
I should learn to laugh, you know, like lovers do
I should mean what I say when I say I’m fine
I should long to live long
Forget that room in the sky

I whisper your name in the breath of sunlight
Freeze it in the heat
Stalagmite/ stalactite

Should forget to remember
Should forget to breathe
The breath of a whisper
Is nothing you see

The breath of your whisper prickles my neck
I long for it now, I long to forget
I long to live long, I long to die
I long to be with you in that room in the sky

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