Week 37 – 12 September 2014 – You’re Noticing Now?


Now I love a ranting break-up song – they are a staple of all my favourite kinds of music: country, RnB and pop – but I’ve always thought it a little sad that a lot of artists seem to have two modes of songwriting: mushy get-it on song and bitchy break up song.  I’m not specifically referencing Taylor Swift in this song – it could be one of 100 artists who deal in recrimination seemingly unaware that they are telling us a lot about their own vanity and insecurity.

[I, of course, have no problem showcasing my vanity and insecurity in a much more direct way]



You’re Noticing Now?

Your song is catchy recrimination
With a throbbing beat a compilation
Of his failings, a distillation
Of all the ways that he’s a jerk
You bristle whilst you twerk

High on the beat and indignation
You tell us all of his compulsion
To sink to depths of degredation
A parasitic crustacean
Slay him baby, you got darts well sling em
But hey aren’t you the one that fell in love with him
We got a question we want to know how
You’re only noticing this now?

So he was perfect
Then he was stupid
Nothing in between cept your pride being wounded
Is this song about your need for love
And your childish hurt when it all got rough
It’s painful to want and not get it
But that doesn’t make him a certified idiot
You’re so vain, I’m thinking that your song is about you

Leave the poor guy alone
Take half the blame for what went wrong
Use your juices for creative loving
Then write us an honest song
We wanna know how you’re only noticing now
He’s a total loser now you’re saying ciao?
We wanna know how you’re only noticing now
Your guy is as charming as Chairman Mao?

Vitriol is amusing we all admire
Bit a bitchy rant don’t make you Oscar Wilde
A tender love song for the start
And a catty joke fest when you part
We want subtle, grown up, brave
50 shades of learning to stay

We wanna know how you’re only noticing now
Your taste in men is what we’re questioning now
We wanna know how you’re only noticing now
If he’s the pig then who’s the sow?

So he was perfect
Then he was stupid
Nothing in between cept your pride being wounded
Is this song about your need for love
And your childish hurt when it all got rough
It’s painful to want and not get it
But that doesn’t make him a certified idiot
You’re so vain, I’m thinking that your song is about you



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