Week 38 – 19th September 2014 – Monster


I have been asked often whether songs come easily or not.  The answer is, of course, that it depends.

In the case of this song, the answer is definitely, NOT

I knew exactly what it was supposed to be, I could hear it, but I just couldn’t make it happen.  Then eventually I got the demo sort of ok, and I couldn’t get a halfway decent recording.  30 takes it took to get this bit of imperfection.  Many of them took 1 or 2.  Oh dear!  Still it is what it is.  I will keep coming back to this, I know because there’s definitely something in it, in the complex melody.

The Kate Bush reference is there probably because I’m going to worship at the throne tonight.  It could be messy in my sleep-deprived state!


Part of 52 Fridays song project by Christopher Green


Wisdom needs simple
Simple needs strength
Strength needs energy
Energy needs sleep
And I’m so weak
I lie awake and dream of sleep

There are worse things than no sleep
There is lightening and lies
Thunder and truth
There’s dreaming with eyes open
Of wearing a blue monster suit
That is so hard to put on
It makes me powerful

There are worse things than no sleep
There is anger at the one who knows me best
I need him to grant me rest
Then I suddenly see there are worse things than me
That feels powerful

Then sleep and night sweats
Drain the sense out of me
The blue monster suit is suffocating
But it makes me powerful

The hangover from late night misery will stay with me all day
But I hydrate and pack the monster away
Vulnerable again
And that’s powerful

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