Week 43 – 24 October 2014 – Comfort Ye


Brace yourselves: It’s a gospel song. And it mentions god.  But, as usual with me, it’s my notion of god which is something like the best part of me. The most benign voice in my head.

I wish I could play rollicking gospel piano then this would really kick off, but hopefully this demo gives you an idea.

I like Comfort Ye from Handel’s Messiah. I always hear it as God saying “You’ll have to learn to comfort yourselves, kids, because I’m too busy being God”.  Which is a fair point.  And wise.  Ultimately, the ability to comfort yourself is one of the most useful life skills to acquire.  Everything else follows on from that.

Comfort Ye

I’m usually fine with the news
The bad, sad news
I’m usually fine
It might be my state of mind
But lately I find
All it’s telling me
Is there’s no safety
No Plan B
The headline is my frailty
The future is shaky because society’s so flaky
That’s why, I’m not fine with the news

I’m usually happy with sad songs
Distilling the misery
I’m usually happy
It might be my state of mind
But lately I find
All they’re telling me is their injury
I want their strategy for bravery
For learning to love uncertainty
That’s why, I’m not happy with sad songs

Don’t want to hear about your pain
I want to hear what took it away
It grinds me down day by day – want to hear something to help me change

Sweet soul comforter
Comfort me
Comfort ye
My people

Sweet soul comforter
Comfort me
Comfort ye
My people

I’m usually unhappy with god
We’ve been through a lot
I’m usually unhappy
It might be my state of mind
But lately I find
He’s sort of telling me
To find safety
Somewhere inside me
That’s why god’s growing on me

No comfort
No comfort
No comfort
So comfort ye

News – No comfort
Songs – No comfort
Shopping – No comfort
So comfort ye

Government – No comfort
Doctors – No comfort
Religion – No comfort
So comfort ye


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